
Prospective Participants for Bang*Bang 104

This is a signup for the August 28 issue; the text deadline for the issue is Tuesday, August 15 and the art deadline is Saturday, August 26. Please reply to this post if you plan to submit a story or artwork for this issue, indicating whether you are interested in contributing to the issue as an author and/or artist, […]


Shousetsu Bang*Bang Issue no. 103 Cover

by the Druid Love6


Miles and Miles of Ice and Snow

 by Kit Miller Fairbanks, Alaska. March 15, 1923. A motley crew it was. Siku and Suka, the wheel dogs, were brothers, both robust and sturdy with the thick coats typical for Inuit dogs, though Henry was sure all kinds of other dog had contributed to their ancestry. Of the team dogs, Orca and Delta, Henry […]



by Sparklebeard It’s just before noon when Nathan finds the first odd tree. He’s hiked this trail dozens of times since moving north a decade ago, and he’s become accustomed to seeing small changes in the forest from one visit to the next: tall trees being felled by lightning or windstorms, creeks flooded with snowmelt […]


Keeper’s Finder

by Togi Kayako (土宜草子) A dozen and one things drew Thimble’s eyes as they teetered on the tips of their bare toes at the very edge of the dirt path. Their father Hearthside had said to stay on the path and make sure they didn’t go so far into the woods that they couldn’t see […]


If These Mountains Could Talk

by Torino Koji Alexander had been riding in the back of the truck for a little over an hour, jostling about as it made its way down the dirt road. It had only been dirt for the past few minutes, but that was long enough that Alexander could feel it in his bones, through the […]


Fairy in the Forest

by EmboSnoodler Hue crouched down beside a large orange flower and dug a glass vial from a satchel that hung at his side, not taking his eyes from the droplet of nectar that welled at the center. Although the tips of the petals were already starting to brown and turn inwards, the nectar droplet emitted […]


Reverse Cowgirl (Not Gay as in Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, Queer as in Dude Ranch)

by shukyou (主教) illustrated by the Winter Cynic   “Mona, I think they’re … they’re all lesbians!” This was not precisely the conversation Pearl wanted to be a part of while standing in the sun, shooing flies from her face, waiting for a horse so they could start their scheduled trail ride. Truth be told, […]


Queen Baiting

by juou no zan (女王のザン) “Tiede!” Arden shouted, pounding his fist on the door to his brother’s quarters. “Tiede! I need advice!” The door swung open, though it was not Tiede who stood behind it. It was Farran, Tiede’s new husband. Farran’s dark, curly hair was loose and wild around his shoulders. He was wearing […]



by Someone Else Sage stopped in the tunnel just outside of the town of Granite. He took stock of his things: seeds and herbs he’d collected, flowers he’d cut and kept bright by singing to them twice a day, the herbarium he added to when he found new plants, his notes on his routes and […]


Lucky Stars

by Cowboy Rider There’s something about barbeque that makes coke taste better, Amadeus thought as he stared into the dwindling remains in his cup. It was something Pepaw had always said with an exaggerated belch that had scandalized his childhood self. He smiled slightly at the memory, glancing around. The basket, once containing four sauce-slathered […]


Making the Dream Work

written and illustrated by Iron Eater “Good afternoon! Did you know that if you or a friend or loved one have suffered any hardship from the ravages of the Dread Multitude, you’re entitled to reparations?” The person on the other side of the door went cross-eyed as they tried to focus on the brochure that […]


Fallen Dust

by Johannes T. Evans Dust has been walking for hours when he finally sees the tower of the temple sticking out from between the trees – he’s trudging and stumbling down a path hewn into the valleyside, and when he sees the black stone and the glitter of the windows, he hears himself heave in […]


The Shape of a Place Out West

by stills The air was still cool, dew clinging to the blades of wild rye and reed grass and the yellow arrowleaf flowers in the ditches, but when JJ slid into the driver’s seat of her ’85 pickup, the weak morning sun had already warmed the creaking vinyl under her backside, creating a cozy little […]