
Ursa Minor

by spitkitten London, 1929 Bron dashed across St. James’s Street, slipped between the bumper of a Daimler and an idling taxicab, and splashed through the gutter, badly soaking his socks. Time to go straight, he thought. Past time, in fact. The time to go straight would have been before whoever was following him had found […]


oh Charlie Harper we love you get up

by spitkitten It’s unfair, Charlie thinks, how handsome Mitchell Shaw is. Unfair, unjust, unnecessary. It’s the kind of handsomeness that sort of hurts Charlie’s feelings, actually: It wounds his professional pride. Mitchell Shaw — please, call me Mitchell — is not an actor. He has no need to be that tall, or to be that […]



by spitkitten illustrated by Tamago “I was attempting,” Annabel said, “in my usual clumsy fashion, to congratulate you.” Sophy stared. The blue flames from the dish of brandy on the table were beginning to wane now; in their dying light, Bel’s eyes looked all pupil — the soft, involving black of unburnt coal, of heaped-up […]


Second Coming

by spitkitten “Crikey,” Chrissy Peveril said, barefoot and slightly breathless from hauling the boat up onto the sand. “Not exactly the Riviera, what? No wonder nobody lives here.” Leo had never been anywhere near the Riviera, but he couldn’t imagine it looked much like this. Liverston Island: a lumped mass of grey sand and bare […]


sturm und drang

by spitkitten “Ah. Here is a young man transfixed. Do you like Hunt, sir?” “Do I like him?” Phil tore his eyes from the painting before him and marvelled at the stranger at his elbow. Like him? One might as well ask do you like Michaelangelo? Do you like Homer? Do you like the Alps? […]