

by Matsu Kasumi (mirrors http://s2b2.livejournal.com/327050.html) Paris, May 1629 Ueli held back a sigh and tightened his hold on his halberd as he went with Thomas to replace their comrades. It was their last guarding spot for the day; two hours there and they could report to Lieutenant Stämpfli and then attend to their own business. […]


Queen Zahr’s Revenge

by Matsu Kasumi illustrated by beili (mirrors http://s2b2.livejournal.com/316797.html) Lax System, November 2036 Lewis was in the firing turret, observing Del, the gigantic space station that was getting smaller in the distance. The turret was Lewis’ favourite place because it was the only part of the Queen Zahr’s Revenge that had actual windows instead of the […]



by Matsu Kasumi (mirrors http://s2b2.livejournal.com/306775.html) Paris, mai 1629 Ueli retint un soupire et resserra sa prise sur sa hallebarde en regardant s’éloigner les deux Gardes Suisses que Thomas et lui venaient de remplacer. C’était leur dernier poste de la journée et, dans deux heures, ils pourraient aller faire leur rapport au lieutenant Stämpfli et seraient […]



Keith Lewis looked in the mirror, sighed, and adjusted his tie once again. The damn thing didn’t look any better no matter what he did. He was about to give up when he heard a giggle. He turned around and noticed his sister, Tara, in the doorway.

“Need some help?”

Lewis was not proud enough to refuse.

“If you don’t mind,” he answered, undoing the tie and letting it hang around his neck.

“Didn’t they teach you to do this in military school?”

She put the tie around her own neck to make a perfect knot before putting it back around Lewis’ neck.


A Divinis

Florence, June 1633.

The night had already fallen when Professor Leandro Lazzaro left the university to go home. He had been staying late to work on a new theory every evening this week and today was not different. He was hoping to finish a new book about the relation between the moon’s phases and one’s spell-power before the end of the month – he would have finished it long ago if it weren’t for his current problems with the Church.

Leandro was a man in his mid-forties, but looked a bit older, due to his hair’s having turned completely gray in the last few months. He was of average build and, if asked, he would say there was nothing noticeable about his appearance. If you asked the ladies, though, they would tell you about his kind hazel eyes, his charming smile, or his enchanting voice. Among themselves they would also whisper about his wealth, since an unmarried professor, with no children or living relatives, was an interesting party to say the least.