13 thoughts on “Tom’s Men

  1. I’ve said this before in discord but I’ll say it again: this is an amazing study, and I love this remixing of Tom of Finland’s classic work. I especially like how the body hair is drawn in this piece!

  2. I really enjoyed reading the artist’s notes for this piece, especially with how much detail went into the reasoning behind the cock option each fella has, filtered through Tom of Finland’s signature hypermasculinity. That’s definitely some of the master’s distinctive black leather gloss you’ve captured! Definitely happy to see a very macho type drawn with a smaller penis, too; one can only look at so many Pringles-can dongs before they all start looking the same. Also (because it seems like something that might get overlooked in favor of Everything Else), these are some really good, evocative faces, and I think the piece is all the stronger for them!

    • Ah, thanks for the lovely comment! I want to draw more smaller cocks, they’re so overlooked but they’re so sexy!

  3. I deeply love this concept, and also like, the fact they’ve all got different methods of chest modifiers as well, with the binder, double mastectomy, and keyhole! I really really love how you pool shadows with your line work, it’s absolutely gorgeous. It was cool to read the artist notes and listen to you talk a bit about it because I didn’t know much about tom of Finland, or the fact the characters had names! Anyway, great job c:

  4. This is absolutely pitch-perfect for Tom of Finland, and I love the theme! The subtle color around the lines is an excellent touch. I adore the spot blacks, too!!! The details of the faces are my absolute favorite part, though, what sexy guys!!!

  5. aside from the obvious hotness, i love the clean lines, vintage style, and subtle color use — very aesthetically pleasing!

    • I also want to second how great their body hair is. My personal favorite in that respect is the middle one. The line of dark hair down the middle of some men’s bellies, like this fellow, is like an arrow pointing down.

  6. I think I saw this in progress on Discord, but MAN it’s gorgeous! It’s really great to see trans guys in this kind of hyper-masculine style that reads SO gay to me. It’s all gorgeous, but I especially like the hair — center guy has great hair with the cute curls, and all of the body hair looks super touchable.

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