4 thoughts on “Shousetsu Bang*Bang no. 100 Cover ver. 2

  1. I looked at the cover before reading the issue, but coming back to it after reading “Made of Triangles” really elevates it. Really enjoy the different bodies on display, with Jake the living thirst trap looking like he belongs next to Mort’s relative gangliness and El’s sturdy softness. The way you depicted the lantern from the story is just lovely, too. Of course Jake would be delighted to have that in their home! Of course he’d want the whole set! Seeing how much attention Mort pays to the little things makes looking for those little things (like the books and snacks on the table, or El’s starry-eyed expression from the story itself) all that much more satisfying.

  2. Ahhh, the logo and playing with the “bang bang” part — just amazing, fantastic. I love that the only light source comes from the lantern (?) on the table. Helps focus the “theme,” as it were. Lovely!

  3. THE LAMP!!! Yesssss. Oh MAN it is so pretty. This is a lovely little bit of bonus art for Made of Triangles! El is such a cutie. I love their soft stomach and the little detail of side hooks on their binder. Such a practical design! Jake and Mort are both gorgeous too. Mort’s got really lovely hands, and I like his nail polish. Ooh, and El’s grab in his hair! So much good stuff going on here.

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