
No Reason to Cry Out Your Eyes (GO! GO! FIGHTING KING!)

by Diamond Dazzler (ダイヤモンド・ダッズラー) Art by ABBA Gold (アッバ ゴルド) and Diamond Dazzler (but mostly ABBA Gold) Theme song: “Don Gon Do It” by The Rapture (right-click to save) (mirrors http://s2b2.livejournal.com/29325.html) “Well, it looks like an immense crowd has gathered here today in Japan, where we’re proud to host the world’s greatest international fighting event. […]


Call Me Vasya

by kanatsu (かなつ) (mirrors http://s2b2.livejournal.com/29524.html) The letter arrived when Father was already dying. The doctor took me aside and said, “I am sorry, Nikolai Yuryevich.” I felt as if my face had frozen. I stood there, unable to move, unable to speak, as the doctor told me, “A week, maybe two, at best. I can […]


Stress Relief

by Jump Ai (じゃんぷEYE) (mirrors http://s2b2.livejournal.com/30202.html) (sequel to The Lion & the Paladin: see SSBB no.6) The paladin’s quarters at the top of the main tower were the largest rooms of the barracks, though none of the guards begrudged him the space, filled as it was by thick tomes of learning and stoppered flasks of […]


The Boy and his Prince

by Parudesi (パルデシ) (mirrors http://s2b2.livejournal.com/30303.html) Once upon a time there lived a young prince whose parents sent him to a forest ashram to learn from the ascetics, as his father before him had gone to prepare for his reign. The prince was to live in the ashram, pure in mind and body, to learn the […]


Closed Circuit

by Morokoshi Katsura (唐 桂) (mirrors http://s2b2.livejournal.com/30625.html) Sasha woke slowly. For minutes he allowed himself to drift in and out of a light doze, too lazy and comfortable to open his eyes. It had the flavour of luxury, as if he’d been sleeping for longer than usual already. Sleeping and dreaming. His limbs were slack […]