Issue 62: Hail to the Chief

cover by Neomeruru


Cheesecake and the Art of Political Warfare, by Sakana Sara (魚 サラ) *

The Revelation of Orev, by Koiwa Shishiko (小岩 獅神) *

The King of Eternal Flame, by kiyala (樹夜蘭) *

And All the King’s Men, by shukyou (主教) *

The City of A Thousand Days, by Ogiwara Saki (荻原咲) *

Bedroom Politics, by Ito Ichiru (糸一縷)

Diamonds in His Pockets, by Renaissance Makoto J (ルネサンス・真・J)

* illustrated

Fraternizing with the Ally, by Iron Eater (NEW)


Shousetsu Bang*Bang released the following statement on Monday:

When we first started out on this campaign journey a year ago, we began with unbridled optimism. Almost twelve months ago to the day, we put forth our goals for this issue: that it would be one celebrating the spirit of the times, that it would draw on amusing sentiments and satirical impulses, and above all, that it would be an opportunity to engage playfully with current events.

We see now that we were sorely mistaken.

While we of course anticipated an electoral season that would stir up strong emotions and perhaps even torrid passions, we could not have foreseen this [CENSORED] election.

It is then with a heavy heart that we announce that we are suspending this issue. In its place, we ask that you cast your ballot for these incumbent stories from previous issues. All of them are proven winners that know how to bring the people exactly what they need, committed public servants that have stood the test of time and emerged victorious. They exemplify the best of what this great project has to offer: leadership, vision, strength of character, and really, really hot sexytimes.

Yet though we must bow out now, we are not defeated. This movement is larger than any one issue, and our mission continues unabated. We ask that you continue to believe in us and support us in the ways you always have: creating stories and artwork, leaving comments for contributors, and spreading the word on social media. With your help, we will push forward with our vision, providing hardworking creators a place to showcase their original-concept talents, promoting a community that extends far beyond our digital pages, and continuing to make the internet a little better for our having been here.

Thank you, God bless you, and God bless Shousetsu Bang*Bang.

See this issue’s entry on the Shousetsu Bang*Bang wiki.